Your project performed professionally and fast
Get your text transformed into a voice over.
From € 150,- per audio minute.

Excellent consulting and customer service
Professional production in my own recording studio
High-quality studio/audio quality
Recordings in WAV and MP3
Publishing rights included for unlimited use
Delivery within 48 hours
Delivery time and price on request for e-learning and explanatory videos

Advertisement * Website Content * E-Learning * Audioguides * Image-Film * Book-Trailer * Podcast INTRO/OUTRO * Explainer-Video

My voice will take your project to the next level

Grow your audience with my voice - your project could sound similarly

Image Film An image film is a short film that portrays a company, institution, brand, or product in a positive light with the intention of improving its image and reputation.
The impact of the messages in an image film can be strengthened by voice over.

Documentary Film
A documentary is a non-fictional film that often focuses on a specific real-life topic that is treated more superficially in the mainstream media.

 A commercial is a marketing campaign that aims to sell a specific product or service. Commercials can appear in various formats and channels, such as on television, in cinemas, on the radio, on websites or in social media. A commercial is intended to arouse the interest of the target group and present the advertised product in a positive light.

About Sanne

Sanne has been educated continuously since 2017 and is now working as a voice-over artist for international companies, small businesses and for self-employed. 
Her projects are in German, Danish, English and Austrian. Her clients are located in over 30 different countries.

What should I send you for the demo recording?
It is sufficient to send the text in the "text field" in the contact form. Or simply attach a .doc file in the contact form. Please include a comment on which project you are planning: Explanatory video, advert, e-learning etc.

What if I don't like a recording? 
Communication is very important to me when working together. When you have booked we´ll communicate about the details and your expectations. However, if you would like something changed in my recordings, I´ll make a revision and you will receive the recording revised.

What kind of projects has Sanne produced? 
Sanne works in 4 languages: Danish, German, Austrian and English. In 2023, Sanne has recorded over 120 voice overs. For various adverts, e-learnings, explainer videos, relaxation apps and also an English audiobook.

What my customers are saying

„Sanne has such a wonderful voice!  She is enthusiastic, passionate, open and easy to work with.
She recorded my first audio book - in English - and also several documentary films about Persia. 
I feel very well supported when working with her!"

Max Fatouretchi
„We booked Sanne and she produced  voice over for 4 explainer videos for our company.
She uses a variety of voices, from younger-older sounding female voices. She is definitely a PRO! 
She uses her voice as an instrument to captivate the listener by adding emotional expressions and sounds that fits the original video clip.”
Freund Elektronik A/S
Helene Böckman
„Sanne is incredibly customer-centric - quick to respond and quick to deliver. 
The sound quality is high and impeccable.

Thank you for your great voice work!”

Voice Caster 
Jacob Hauge

Within 48 hours you'll receive your free recording sample.

Together we want to make sure that my voice fits your project. 
Best regards
 Your future "project voice"

Get your free audio demo!

Sanne - Your Voice
Vienna / Austria
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